Are NHS hospitals allowing visitors? Yes/no. (“Thanks MyHSN!”, Ed)

Details will vary depending on which hospital you’re visiting, and which ward,; including if you need to wear a face covering over your nose and mouth.

Check on the hospital’s website for more information.

Visiting hours
Most hospitals have times at which you can visit your friend or relative. They are usually (but not always) about 6-8pm.

Before COVID-19 it was about 2-4pm and 6-8pm. The times were and are set to avoid meal times, and when the doctors do ward rounds. Visiting stopped completely during the worst of COVID-19.

Check with the relevant hospital for information about when you can visit, and bear in mind that different wards often have different visiting times. It is best to check by ringing the ward as well.

Hospitals encourage relatives and friends to visit patients. But patients can get tired very quickly. So an hour, or even 30 minutes, may be best.

Number of visitors
Note too the number of visitors each patient is allowed is usually restricted, typically to no more than 2 people at any one time.

So it might be necessary to stagger visitors so you come at different times.

There can be restrictions on children visiting a patient as well.

If your friend or relative is really unwell and you need to visit outside these hours, please ring the ward. The nurses will allow such visiting for compassionate reasons.

We have tried to answer the question ‘are NHS hospitals allowing visitors?’ It is not an easy one to answer, as there is significant variation between hospitals, and even within a hospital. Check the hospital website and ring the ward you are visiting, to be sure of current local rules.

Other resources
There is more information on the NHS website here.